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Nutrition and health are fundamental to life. They not only provide the nutrients an individual needs for survival, but also help build strong immune systems, prevent disease, and contribute to optimal physical and mental health. There are many concepts in which people get confused when studying about nutrition; one of which is understanding how to determine if a certain food is healthy or not. This guide will provide you with some pointers on how to make this distinction. This online education program provides a general overview of nutrition as well as the importance it plays in preventing illness over time as well as strengthening your immune system...It offers a much broader understanding of what type of foods you should select from... The participants will also learn, among other things, the importance of choosing low fat foods...They will also acquire easy to understand information on how to avoid harmful additives...Finally this program helps improve the quality of life by teaching individuals how to choose healthy options when it comes to food! This program helps you explore various healthy nutrition plans. It is designed to inform participants about health related issues. It provides an introduction into the field of nutrition and dietitics. This online education program offers a simple yet practical approach for understanding the different aspects of nutrition and dietetics. The course gives you information on major nutrients that are essential for your body growth and development. It emphasizes protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in your developing years. This online educational program provides an introduction into the field of nutrition and dietitics. It will help people understand the importance of developing good nutritional habits early in life. This course provides you with all the essential knowledge on how to survive into your advanced age by living a healthy life style. It explains the benefits of eating right and how it reduces disease, weight, and overall longevity. This online education program helps you improve your knowledge on nutrition and helps you analyze different food options available to you... These courses provides an excellent resource for anyone interested in finding out more about nutrition... These courses can help you make better food and food options choices and it is a great reference tool for finding out more about living a healthy life! This course provides an introduction to nutrition. It explains what foods are essential to your health, the role of certain foods in helping people lose weight, and how to correctly read product labels...The course offers an introduction into the field of nutrition and dietitics...It will help adults improve their knowledge on nutrition for better health. This course provides an introduction into the field of nutrition. It offers an overview of nutrition principles that should be applied in your daily life....The program helps you learn about how different nutrients work together to provide energy to our bodies... This course provides an introduction into the field of nutrition. It exposes you to basic chemistry and it's relationship to the nutrition we eat.... This course provides a basic overview of what we need to know about nutrition. It is designed for adults who are interested in learning more about the basics of nutrition....This program offers an introduction into the field of nutrition and dietitics. The program offers a basic overview of what we need to know about nutrition. It is designed for adults who are interested in learning more about the basics of nutrition. The first lesson focuses on what our bodies do first thing in the morning...The second lesson offers an overview of how carbohydrates, protein, and fats work together within our bodies... cfa1e77820
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