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I’m sure you’ve heard about the Autodesk T-splines plugin for Rhino. It's an excellent plugin that will make your life easier (especially if you work with complex shapes or need to make adjustments). But the best part is that it's available for free! This post will teach you what T-splines are, why they're so awesome, how they can help your workflow, and how to download the plugin. We also have some great videos on this topic too! Check them out below. Hi there! I'm here today to talk about a new plugin that just made its debut in Rhino: Autodesk T-Splines. Why You Need T-Splines in Your Life The reason you need this plugin is twofold: For the first piece, you'll want to take advantage of it's parametric nature. This means that you can create sophisticated shapes without using tedious manual input. For the second piece, this plugin is super handy when it comes to smoothing or tweaking your shapes. Now, I'm sure there are people who don't need either of these benefits, but I certainly do! And I thought it'd be interesting to provide some insight into why… why I like them, when to use them (and when not to), and more. So let's get to it! What are T-Splines Anyway? As the name implies, they're splines. You've probably heard of splines in music, or how you might have used them in your favorite 3D modeling program. But most people have no clue what an actual T-spline is, so I'll quickly explain. It's a curve that you create using Bézier curves. You can do so either by hand or with a tool like Rhino. A common use for them is to create curved and non-nested shapes and surfaces (think: sculpting). Every point on the curve is called a control point. You can control each one by either connecting them (creating an arc) or by connecting two points (creating a spline). The end result looks like this: The second benefit of these curves is that they allow for smooth transitions between control points. This, in turn, lets you create shapes with extreme flexibility and smoothness. Many people have benefited from using T-splines in their work to great effect. Here's a video of someone creating a cool, twisted model to show off his skillz. Why Should You Use Them? The reason why you should be using T-splines is because they allow you to draw shapes without having to input all the points. The secret is in the way the T-splines work with knots. A knot is where two curves intersect, and it can either be smooth or not. The easiest way to think about it (and how I learned it) is that smooth knots are like rigid joints, whereas non-smooth knots are like floppy joints (that can move, rotate, twist, etc). cfa1e77820